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Wednesday 17 July 2019


Dear Mr. Tortoise,

This is an abridged version of a letter I wrote to you---Mr. Tortoise on December 17, 2013 when you grotesquely grandstand on President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. This one is meant to swiftly counter (through reply) your current mode of escapism from reality, and your impending probe from egregious past. In fact, you're the foundational architect of the current parlor state of Nigeria.

With painful nostalgia, just have a quick reminder of what you did to Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief MKO Abiola, Gen. Musa Yar'Adua, President Goodluck Jonathan and Nigerians. You thwarted the genuineness of these compatriots from achieving their dreams for a country we love with passion. Nigeria is a repetitious metaphor of a country! You like to play on their pauperized intelligence. We must not allow that to continue to happen to our beloved compatriots and country. 

Your current open letter to President President Muhammadu Buhari, going viral on the internet and the media; in a jiffy engenders the abridgment and writing of this missive to you. He who comes to equity must come with clean hands. Every time you mount a podium to lecture us the ills of another political leaders or ‘Militaricians’ like you, it tries to becloud us and further traumatizes our collective memory and sense of history. The present Buhari'’s administration is a providential administration to severe Nigeria from the past. 

Mr. Tortoise, be advised, responsible minds will understand your psychological insignificance to distract Nigerians by using the current state of insecurity to invade the warped psychology of Nigerians. Your letter is a complete reminder to a fertile mind the syndrome you suffer from: which is a consciousness of guilt! What did you do when you were in power to stem the problems of Nigeria? You are just looking for escape route from your egregious past. No responsible citizen should take you seriously! 

Your covert and overt ploys to be an unelderstateman to distract our focused attention to proffer solutions to our intractable problems and insecurity is unacceptable. Our sense of history is alive and potent. We will use our sensibility to remind Nigerians your role in wiping out a whole community of Odi in Bayelsa state. Your role in being an enabler at selling Yoruba on the platter of political expediency is concerning. An attempt by MKO Abiola to outperform you made him pay a supreme price in the hands of Abacha. You also rode at the back of Abacha-tiger, and the evil-dark-googled-man almost consume you before he kicked the bucket! You remain adamant and recalcitrant to providence. But remember, God spares your life; no matter your cunning role in the forest of a thousand demons, your ebora's posture will be demystified by Karma when the time comes. 

You conscripted a meek man in person of Goodluck Jonathan to power, instead of you to help the man with his good intention to succeed, you worked against his interest and the man failed woefully. You worked assiduously for President Muhammadu Buhari's first term election. You even destroyed your membership card in the full glare of Nigerians to convince your supporters to elect Buhari. Buhari refused to dance macabre dense with you to preserve your iniquities; Buhari has now become your avowed enemy because he refuses to be a political pingpong in your hands. Unsuspecting Nigerians are always at the receiving end of your political machinations. Your disposition at polarization of Nigeria through ethnic and religious nuances must be discouraged to avoid sending Nigeria to abyss of time. 

This writer is a privileged citizen of the United States of America and a bona fide ‘son of the soil’ of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He is interlocked with loyalty to both countries. He is very passionate about America because he is adequately protected with the constitution. He is also groused with the Nigerian leadership because his counterparts in Nigeria suffer in the midst of plenty. Why do the world adore American exceptionalism? Because their forefathers did not labour in vain as their leaders past and present respect the constitution and relentlessly continue to create egalitarian society for present and future generations. 
Sir, try and study the constitution of United States, it is a sacred document as good as the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria. American constitution is sacrosanct to American leadership, to Nigerian leaders, Nigerian constitution is grossly abused and made a prostate document that is daily rendered impotent as a mere piece of paper it is written. Political position should not be a means to an end but an end to itself, as there is always life after the mantle of leadership. 

Mandela was 100% correct about Nigeria in one of his interviews of our sorry situation in Nigeria. Our leaders have no modicum of shame in them. They shed Crocodile tears when Mandela died. They profusely cried with hypocrisy more than the bereaved families of Madiba in South Africa. What a great exposition by Mandela on Nigerians and their leaders!! Nigeria leadership is embellished with fraud. Nelson Mandela is indeed antithesis of you, Babangida and other mindless politicians in Nigeria. 

You were reportedly to have visited Mandela in prison and championed the release of the man while you were Military Heads of State of Nigeria. You squandered those heroic gestures. How many Universities or Farmland did Mandela established or acquired with the state ill-gotten money? Again, you wasted a lifetime opportunities. You are a man everyone would have been celebrating by now as providence was unkind to you as a result of your selfish and leadership style. I literally weep for Nigeria. Of what use is for you to have ephemerality of life and still die unsung? Mandela’s demise as a kindred spirit is an eye opener for not only you and your cronies but to all of us that this world is void with nothingness. Humanity should not loose hope as we are witnessing another Mandela in the personae of POPE FRANCIS (TIME MAGAZINE person of the year), MALALA AND AUN SAN SUU KYI and other courageous personalities we are yet to know. They all espouse the qualities of Nelson Mandela and striving hard to create egalitarian society for mankind. 

I read on this medium that one wired Scholar was communicating with well-informed or ill-informed Nigerians? A purported paid agent and a Cambridge University scholar of African History trying to re-write history by ditching out your pseudo-achievements. I dare say to you and him (the scholar from Cambridge) to tell his thesis or his inaugural lecture of your “achievements” to the ordinary man on the street of Ibadan or Kuje or Ekiti; or the families of those that were massacre in Odi by your command; or Ikeja bomb blast victims whom you told in time of their trauma that you were not supposed to be there; or revered and Clergy men of those good old-days of good-religious values you disgraced in the full glare of public; or the family of MKO Abiola and Nigerians who were betrayed by you for your collaboration with your cronies to annul the most free and fair elections in the nation’s history; or his supports for most African dictators; or trillions of Dollars of Abacha loots still yet to be accounted for by OBJism. 

Is high time people stopped these highfalutins being embellished with husky pretensions. What a gross deceitful exposition by your Scholar.!!! The only thing that is constant in life is change. Posterity is on the side of those who selflessly strife as leaders to create egalitarian society for all without grandstanding ( yours, with your letter to President Buhari is Grandstanding instead of Understanding the plights of your people and apologise for past misdeeds). Nelson Mandela we all celebrate today is indeed antithesis of Olusegun Obasanjo and our leaders in a beautiful and castrated country. You wasted a lifetime opportunities because of selfishness and grotesque of attention seeking. You, Babangida, Shonekan, Abacha and Jonathan are children of circumstances. Providence gave you mantles of leadership and you all squandered it. I still say it. Every single day in the lives of a WIDOW WOMAN from Edo State and other deprived Nigerians gives me concern about Nigeria. As beautiful as other nations are organized, Africa is still the threshold of history and Africans must liberate themselves from self-colonialism. We suppose to be swimming in the euphoria of prosperity and tranquility but leaders..!.leaders..!! leaders…!!! of African countries have failed us woefully. I thought Africans would wake up and reflect sincerely on the election of Barack Hussain Obama of the United States!! But NO. What did you see? Hypothesis of hypocrisy, deceits and warped minds and other idiosyncratic maladies that dotted the nomenclatures and minds of the citizens. A microcosm of our nuts and mental decadence are comments of some people you read daily on Facebook and other social media. Obama once hailed and adored is now their enemy just because he speaks truths to their conscience. 

Mandela they hypocritically eulogize today was densely critiqued by the same species of human beings. Because our minds in that part of the world are intertwined with religiosity, an opium that leaders are using as tools to distracting and destroying Nigeria and African countries today! Nigeria is a bad example of a father to other african countries. When entity of a giant is rotten, those following it will do same. Mandela was genuinely with love and instinctually unhappy with our complacency and our religious and political leaders’ hedonism. Every street of Nigeria is painted by our leaders with megalomania and religiosity yet our citizens continue to wallow in misery, abject poverty and other ills of the society. It’s a shame. 

To Nigerians, Mark Zuckerberg helped us without paying any dime with the advent of Facebook, instead of us to form majority coalition and mobilize the populace, we are busy using religion and ethnic jingoism as wedge to divide ourselves, all because of our warped minds as a result of long misrules by successive governments of Nigeria. Arise O Compatriots!!! ….wake up and denounce our selfishness to build a country to be proud of by the next generation. We cannot continue like this…..!!! O Dear Obasanjo, there is absence of Buhari's integrity in all of you. I bet you still have great opportunity to right the wrong by apologizing to all Nigerians who have been abysmally affected by your rules. Maybe, maybe Mandela’s demise has woken you up and all of you who have committed religious, economic and political crimes against Nigeria. Time will tell…..!!! 

May God give you and your partners the courage to right the wrongs of the past and shape for good the future of present generation you and your political cabals have wasted: and the next generation yet unborn. 

As we ask God to help Nigeria, may God open the eyes of Tortoise's disciples and gullible Nigerians to discern the hypocrisy and shenanigans of a man who anchors Nigerian psychology in his political arsenal. 

God bless a beleaguered Federal Republic of Nigeria. 


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