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Monday 28 October 2019

How ethnicity will destroy Nigeria.

WHO will rescue Nigeria from the clutch of ethnic venom that is gradually but steadily being secreted by ethnic nationalists through their actions and behavioural disposition? I have opted to refrain from specific examples in this write-up to water down envisaged reactions from those who may feel offended; but I have also left sufficient allusion for easy mental judgement. 

There is no singular factor today in Nigeria that threatens the corporate existence of Nigeria more than ethnicism. It breeds all forms of vices in the Nigerian space. Distrust, animosity, corruption, nepotism, deception, and prejudices, among others, are offshoot of ethnicism. Ethnicism evokes rivalry, unhealthy competition, acrimony, and even envy among ethnic groups. Indeed, it has become a Frankenstein monster in Nigeria, and if those at the helms of national affairs do not begin a re-orientation process aimed at changing the demeanor of the average Nigerian, the country may sooner than later be destroyed by the raging impact of ethnicism. 

There are over 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria, and of these, the Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba and Igbo are the three major tribes, which I will call the Big Three. The size and share numbers of these groups account for their dominance and control of politics, bureaucracy and economy in Nigeria, leaving the remaining smaller groups with weak numerical strength to play at the periphery level. 

Even where these ethnic minorities are positioned to play at the national level, they are at the mercy and whims of these three major tribes who, often times, exert domineering influence, leaving the minorities with little or no window for independent considerations.
Therefore, to a larger extent, what the Big Three do with their style of political, bureaucratic and economic pursuit, have a way of shaping and influencing the values and administrative process of the country. Today, that it is seemingly difficult to conduct free and credible elections and census in Nigeria, is a reflection of the desperation of the three major ethnic groups to dominate the political process and allocation of the country's resources. 

Implicitly, the quest for control of political, bureaucratic and economic power by these three major groups is the origin and primary reason for ethnicism in Nigeria. In other words, ethnicism, as it has come to be known, is the creation of the Big Three in their efforts to control the country's political power and resources. 

Perhaps, the only time the Big Three work in unison is when their common interest, namely the oil resource, is threatened. This played out during the National Political Reform Conference, NPRC, instituted by former President Olusegun Obasanjo's administration in 2005 where they opposed the demand for increase in the derivation principle from 13 to 25 percent. 

This was roundly resisted, obviously for selfish reasons not unconnected with fears of likely reduction in oil proceeds to be shared. This also accounts for why there has been consistent opposition to agitation for resource control by the Niger Delta people. 

The oil wealth will continue to be at the centre of ethnic supremacy contest among the three ethnic groups, which is further worsened by the absence of viable natural mineral resources in their domains. Groundnuts, cocoa and palm oil have diminished in value, unable to attract basic foreign exchange, making oil the only viable source of foreign exchange in Nigeria; thus, their aggressive disposition for control of oil resources. 

Formation of ethnic associations like Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, Ohanaeze and Afenifere is part of their agenda for control of political power and soul of Nigeria. Political leaders in these regions use these ethnic associations to drive their ethnic agenda under the guise of cultural associations. In practical terms these groups have no agenda for promotion of their ethnic cultures. 

Unwittingly, the seed they planted in their struggle for control of power at the national public space has now sprouted and spread to private and local levels, leading to disequilibrium in allegiance to national and ethnic matters. 

People now identify with their ethnic groupings first before Nigeria. In other words, there is open allegiance and display of affinity to ethnic grouping than national patriotism. Exacerbated by the low political culture in Nigeria, the country no longer inspires hope due to the fierce ethnic rivalry among the three major ethnic groups. 

Once a President from an ethnic bloc is in power, members of his ethnic group see it as their turn to dominate the political and economic spaces as well as determination of the allocation of resources. Government policies and appointments are screwedto further the interest of the President's tribe. 

National interest is subordinated for ethnic interest. This is reflected in key national appointments and majority of members of the kitchen cabinet are drawn from the President's ethnic base, a reflection of the premium of trust he places on his ethnic nationalities. 

As part of ethnic dominion, these major ethnic groups encourage their indigenes to openly speak their indigenous language in public places like offices, notwithstanding the presence of persons from outside their ethnic domain who do not understand their language. This is done brazenly in government offices, but this has also been extended to the private sector and even the multinational companies where they have significant presence.
Speaking of indigenous language in public places is one of the centrifugal forces working against Nigeria, as it shows clearly that we are not one as a country. If you must speak your local dialect, do so in private and when you are with your co-ethnic nationals. But to speak it in the presence of other Nigerians who do not understanding the language, is an indication of arrogance and disdain for mutual respect. 

This is also gradually being imbibed by some of the minority ethnic groups, portending grave danger.Interestingly, this attitude has also now been extended to places of worship and business frontiers. Some worship centres are perceived to belong to some ethnic groups as well as businesses, including banks, due to ownership/management composition, leadership posture and style of administration. 

No wonder some time ago, ethnic coloration was added to what was supposed to be a purely business transaction between an individual and a bank, with some members of the individual ethnic group canvassing and encouraging others from same ethnic group to close their accounts with the bank. Everything is now seen from the perspective of ethnicism. 
Music and newspapers are not spared, as there is apparent discrimination in patronage. Some people have to look at the bottom of a newspaper masthead to know the promoters before patronage. Once the names are dominated by a particular ethnic group, the paper is branded a regional paper, no matter the quality of its content. 

Even music that is considered a universal language is also suffering from quarantine engendered by ethnicism in Nigeria. No matter how nice the lyrical and rhythmic melodies of an indigenous music, patronage are overwhelmed by ethnic preference. Ironically, we can dance to Swahili and Zulu music in faraway South Africa without the knowledge of the language. 

Nigeria is hemorrhaging from the prick of ethnicism. The intervention schemes established to promote national integration and unity in the country, namely, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Unity schools (federal government colleges) and representative bureaucracy (federal character policy) have not been able to achieve their objectives due to ethnicism.
The seeming indifference to ethnic nationalism in Nigeria by successive administrations is in fact a roadmap on how Nigeria will be destroyed. Until government initiates a process that will change the perception of the people towards national patriotism as against the current ethnic nationalism, the country's hope of achieving nationhood will be a mirage. 

In one of my books, entitled, Nigeria on the Precipice: Issues, Options and Solutions, I have argued that rather than foster unity, the NYSC has become an albatross, creating awareness of the deep animosity, hushed segregation and incompatible cultural differences existing in the country. Indeed, it is becoming an agent of disunity in the country. 

As a way out, government should begin by outlawing speaking of ethnic languages in public places and abolishing of ethnic associations in the country. This should also be followed by discontinuing the practice of reflecting state of origin and local government areas in public documents. This way, government would have proved that it is serious about achieving one united nation than the multiple ethnic nations in Nigeria. 

The seeming indifference to ethnic nationalism in Nigeria by successive administrations is in fact a roadmap on how Nigeria will be destroyed. Until government initiates a process that will change the perception of the people towards national patriotism as against the current ethnic nationalism, the country's hope of achieving nationhood will be a mirage. 

By Michael Owhoko 

DISCLAIMER: The opinion expressed in this article is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher – Nze Ikay's Blog

Sunday 27 October 2019

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has his gaze firmly fixed on the Nigerian Presidential seat - Dele Momodu

Respected magazine publisher, Dele Momodu in his weekly article writes about the prospects of a Bola Tinubu presidency come 2023,
Fellow Nigerians permit me to say, it is no longer a secret that the former Governor of Lagos State and easily one of the most influential politicians in Africa, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has his gaze firmly fixed on the Nigerian Presidential seat in Abuja. Let me put it more frontally, Tinubu will love to drop the Chieftaincy title, Asiwaju, for that of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.
Who wouldn’t, anyway? I once tried my luck despite not having ten percent of Tinubu’s stupendous resources, extensive networks, public service experience and achievements and so on. I know that some will think it is too early to be talking about a successor to President Muhammadu Buhari given that his second term is barely six months old.
Nevertheless, the political gladiators are already baring their fangs and showing their hands and flapping their wings. It would be silly of anyone to shut their eyes to such developments.  
The debate is already raging, as always. We love to talk. Don’t we? That’s our pastime, sadly or joyously. The naysayers  are having a field day with a plethora of reasons and questions on why he cannot succeed. What does Tinubu want again? He can’t win! He is not fit enough! He is too tainted and tarnished! The Hausa-Fulani will never give him power.
How can he think he can attain what Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Chief Moshood Abiola failed to get? Why can’t he field one of the people he empowered in the past? Too many questions begging for answers.  I often wonder what exactly the matter is with us we practically groan and grumble over anything and everything. 
Someone once wrote that we all have the Abacha traits in us. We are all autocratic and oppressive in nature, the reason Democracy is not working here and may never work in most parts of Africa. We are just too intolerant and too dismissive. But for me and my house, I’m a consummate Democrat. I believe everyone has the right to aspire to any height in life, especially in politics. Political leadership is not the personal property of any person, dynasty or group!  
If you ask me, I will tell you, unequivocally,  and repeatedly, that Tinubu is eminently qualified to contest. If you ask me if he is a saint, I will say no. None of us is. Not even Buhari. Not you, not me. Nations are not governed by saints but by performers. That is one of the recurring theses that I regularly propagate in my musings and reflections.
I have no illusions that Tinubu will definitely perform as President of Nigeria, if he ever contests and wins. He has a knack for identifying brilliant minds and fertile brains, and the ability to nurture them to greatness. He has demonstrated this repeatedly and almost endlessly. Examples abound without doubt.  
Does Tinubu suffer from excesses and shortcomings? Perhaps, again like all mortals, he does. This does not diminish his greatness. His excesses are mitigated by several strong and positive qualities. He is generous to a fault. He has lifted many souls, old and young, from penury and perdition. He is a classic example of the Good Samaritan. We all have our shortcomings and why should Tinubu be an exception.
Too many unprintable rumours, myths and comments have been circulated in writing and also spoken about him, some bordering on character assassination and unverifiable vilification, but God chooses and anoints those he wants. And no one can challenge God. It is obvious that Tinubu has been richly blessed, despite his apparent foibles. Such is life.
I have followed his trajectory for close to three decades. His story is a stuff of fairy tales. All those who have disparaged, derided, denigrated and despised him have not been able to bring him down, despite their monumental efforts to achieve this. When you think he is supine, broken and out, he rises, like the Black onyx and soars again. I witnessed this, live and direct, during our exile days. Many times, we all felt down and out but Tinubu’s passion and influence re-engineered things and made us redouble our efforts.
The reason is simple. Tinubu has an uncommon audacity. I believe his bravery has taken him beyond his own imagination. A man who has survived too many tribulations like him cannot be an ordinary soul. God must love him dearly and extraordinarily. He has fought many battles that he won, spectacularly. He is naturally smart and adequately fearless. A mutual friend once told a few of us that he is very sure Tinubu would still take the risk even if you say a particular venture will kill him.
He has such  kamikaze instincts. You can’t go far in life, if you’re too squeamish and Tinubu is a living proof that courage conquers all. It is wrong to say Tinubu has no right to run for the Presidency in 2023. Who are those who will run if he does not? How are they better? What qualifies them to run that disqualifies him from running? Yes, I may prefer younger people to take over but many of them we have seen have not justified the noise about “not too young to rule,” by ruling senselessly and recklessly. I’m now convinced that age should not be a deliberate barrier; track record of achievements should be the priority.
I welcome all those who want to run and believe that they should be allowed to run without hindrance. It is wrong to muzzle the opposition, or even an opponent, because any nationalist and patriot will want the best for Nigeria and so long as the people express their preference for that person, he should be given the opportunity. Nigeria has suffered and continues to suffer because Murtala Mohammed, Chief M. K. O. Abiola and, to a lesser extent, Chief Obafemi Awolowo were not allowed to rule Nigeria by the selfish manipulations and evil machinations of incurably selfish and obviously misguided elements.  
Let’s now take on the issues I earlier mentioned,  one by one. Those who are petrified, or just being cheeky, that the Hausa/Fulani will never hand over power to the South and, by extension, to Tinubu, and others, really baffle me. Self-doubt is one of the biggest afflictions of the Southerners. Too many people suffer from inferiority complex. They have resigned themselves to slavery and servitude, voluntarily, in their own country.
This is one of the reasons the  Tinubu experiment and controversy is ‘sweeting’ me. If Tinubu cannot be supported by the North, despite all he did for Muhammadu Buhari to become President, after chasing the shadows for three record times, then there is no hope for Nigeria. In any event, I must stress that it is an insult to other parts of Northern Nigeria to suggest that there is a monolithic and homogenous North. We all know that is far from the truth.  
There are diverse and disparate tribes in the Middle belt.  Even within the core north there are several minority tribes who do not share the same aspirations as their more visible and vociferous neighbours. We must discourage the notion of master-servant relationship in this country. We must promote unity and uphold the rights of every Nigerian citizen. Personally, I don’t care where the next President comes from, North, East, South or West. All aspirants are welcome. The more, the merrier.
That is why I’m not for zoning, in any form. I want aspirants to contest on their disastrous or meritorious records. Let the electorates be the judges. But to say someone is automatically disqualified on account of ethnicity, or even religion, is so unfortunate and so not right and definitely unacceptable,  at this time and age. It is one of the reasons that we have been robbed of stellar leaders in the past and the present. Are we not tired of this intractable backwardness?
On Awolowo and Abiola, it was the same myopia that made some powerful forces to gang up against them. What did the enemies of progress then gain after all? Let’s concede that Awolowo did not win, what of Abiola who was robbed in broad daylight and even paid the supreme price! Who knows if Tinubu will finally cross the bridge and finish the final lap of this marathon? No one knows God’s plans.
Goodluck Jonathan never dreamt of being Deputy Governor, talk less of becoming President of Africa’s most populous country. Yemi Osinbajo had resigned himself to Law and Pastoral work but suddenly and unexpectedly became Vice President, almost effortlessly. He was probably home, arms akimbo, when he was called and annointed from the blues.
Also, his helicopter crashed one terrible afternoon on his way to some political rallies in Kogi State, yet none of the passengers died. Many have died in less chaotically dangerous circumstances, and not a scratch on these children of God. Was that not a powerful sign and testimony that these are not mere mortals to be rubbished or traduced.  
Some contend that Tinubu should not contest but instead allow one of his proteges to run instead. However, it is my belief that such a decision is solely his. It must always be remembered that he had the chance to be Vice-President and could have put his foot down to make the coalition work. On that occasion, for the good of his Party and the Nation, he gave up his dream and ambition and put forward another spectacular candidate, Professor  Yemi Osinbajo, who has not let his mentor down and has shown admirable comportment and grace.
I believe there must therefore be some cogent reasons why he feels the time has come to be the king rather than a Kingmaker in perpetuity. There is nothing wrong in him making such an informed decision. He should be allowed to exercise his franchise and bet on himself again. Tinubu is an enigmatic calculator who knows how to permutate the game and stun his opponents.
Like Buhari, I want to assume that Tinubu had planned this journey for a very long time. All the steps he has taken since 1999 obviously point to this fact.  The kind of political and social machinery that he has built is probably only matched and surpassed by those of great leaders that nurtured and forged our Independence, like the Owelle of Onitsha, Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe, the Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Odole of Ife, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, and the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, Chief Moshood Abiola. The rest is in the hands of God.  
For me, Tinubu’s ambition is not an impossible mission. He is a master strategist who has acquired the templates of others like Major General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, Chief Moshood Abiola, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, plus being one of those who ran Buhari’s campaigns, substantially. He knows the Nigerian terrain very well and even his enemies respect him tremendously. 
For me, what gives Tinubu pre-eminence over most of the others who are contending for the crown but presently hiding behind one finger is his glittering records and achievements in both the private and public sectors. I really do not care about his past because as a Christian, none of us can judge anyone, and I have ample examples of the possible transformation and transfiguration of human beings, as the Lord pleases. That is a long time ago and gone with the winds.
He has done more than enough to remove that from his narrative. Whatever his background was, he cannot be robbed of his victory and glory perpetually. Yes,  it is clear that he came from very humble beginnings of deprivation and chronic need but he sought to improve himself by seeking the golden fleece. He succeeded in his quest attaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.
His success in this regard can be measured by the fact that he was head hunted by top accounting firms like Arthur Andersen and Deloitte, Haskins and Sells. He eventually joined Mobil in Nigeria where he excelled spectacullarly and rose to become a top executive in the company. His should thus be a veritable inspiration to majority of those in similar circumstances today, that anyone can rise up from the pit of hell to any heights, by dint of hard work and uncommon sagacity and determination. 
His political career started in 1992. He was elected to the highest legislative house in the Nigerian Senate. When that ill-fated experiment by General Ibrahim Babangida went the way, it was programmed to go, Tinubu fled Nigeria and regrouped with like minded patriotic Nigerians to form the external wing of the pro-democracy National Democratic Coalition (NADECO). After the death of General Sani Abacha, Tinubu returned home to contest as Governor of Lagos State and won a convincing victory.    
It is Tinubu’s achievements as a two-term Governor of Lagos State that has projected him to the prominent and exalted position that he now occupies in the Nigerian political sphere. He began the systematic and robust increase of the internally generated revenue of Lagos State which his successors have had no choice but to emulate, and sustain incrementally thus making Lagos State one of the richest self-sustaining ‘governments’ in Africa.
His indomitable and indefatigable spirit led him to challenge the Federal Government headlong and succeeded in standing tall as he fought President Olusegun Obasanjo to a standstill. Despite not having access to funding for his local governments, Tinubu single-handedly revived and revamped Local Governments in Lagos State and brought tremendous developments to practically every part of Lagos State.
His other great political prowess is in identifying quality and talented leaders from hitherto political obscurity and foisting them on the people to great effect. I strongly believe that Tinubu should be given a chance on the merit when, and if, he eventually proclaims his candidacy. Others will eventually come forth and should also be considered on their merits. As they do, we will have cause to revisit their suitability.
Our country can only gain from such robustly healthy competition. We have a preponderance of brilliant men and women who can take Nigeria to the zenith of greatness but they are usually wasted on the altar of greed and selfishness. What is clear to me is that it is only a matter of time before events begin to unfold.      
In the meantime, I can only wish Tinubu all the best in his appointment with destiny. 

DISCLAIMER: The opinion expressed in this article is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher – Nze Ikay's Blog 

Monday 19 August 2019


It is very disturbing to observe the ease with which Nigerian elites, particularly the Christians, are dribbled and sent on wild goose chase on very sensitive national issues. There is the need therefore to re-state the core issues that are causing problems in Nigeria and what constitutes the solution. At this rate, those who have constituted themselves into enemies of Nigeria are having cheap victory.

Today, the following unpalatable evils define Nigeria as a country: corruption and sleaze at all levels, insecurity (bloodshed, sudden death, kidnapping, raping, etc), economic recession, broken down infrastructure, dysfunctional political system, fractured social relationships, ethnic suspicion and rivalry, one could go on and on. Two questions come to our mind:

1.      What is actually the cause of the problem?

2.      Who is managing the public discourse?

Let it be made clear for all that the problem of Nigeria is NOT one of the following:

a.      It is not Christians versus Muslims or Muslims versus Christians.

b.      It is not South versus North or North versus South

c.       It is not PDP versus APC or APC versus PDP

d.      It is not Military versus Civilians or Civilians versus Military

e.      It is not rich versus poor or masses versus the rich

f.      It is not poverty, unemployment, illiteracy or desert encroachment 

Someone may quip, “So there is no threat of Islamization, after all?” There is an Islamization agenda and it is a serious threat. What needs to be understood is what constitutes the threat and this is discernible in the difference between a Muslim and an Islamist. A Muslim practices Islam as religion while an Islamist manipulates Islam as political ideology. This is the reason Islamism is referred to as “political Islam.” Islamism is a conscious attempt to manipulate religion as tool for political and cultural domination. While Islam is a religion, Islamism, otherwise called “political Islam”, “is a set of ideologies that holds that Islam is not only a religion but a political system”. As a political system, Islamists insist that Islam is meant to dominate the environment in which it is practiced. In a sharply divergent society like Nigeria, any attempt to implement the principles of Islamism portends great danger for the nation. It is this Islamist political ideology that is driving the crisis in Nigeria.

The problem of Nigeria is IDEOLOGICAL. It is simply DEMOCRACY versus SHARIA. This is the problem Nigerians need to solve. Nigeria is a Democratic country under the invasion of Sharia ideology. This is the core problem that must be solved and every crisis will evaporate.

Every country in the world derives its identity and system of Governance from its National Ideology. Countries with Sharia ideology have a system of Governance and way of life different from countries with Communist ideology which is also different from countries with Democratic ideology and so on. No country has two conflicting ideologies except, of course, Nigeria.

The 1999 Constitution is a compendium of dual conflicting ideologies pulling the country in two opposing directions. Unless this conflict is resolved, Nigeria will remain in turmoil because Democracy and Sharia ideologies are antithetical to each other. The entire crisis in the country, summed up as corruption, mediocrity, insecurity and ethnicity are consequences of the dual conflicting ideologies plaguing Nigeria.

The crisis commenced before Independence and was solidified under the Military regime when most of the Military Heads of State were Muslims from the North. During the various Conferences leading to Independence, the impression was created that ALL Nigerians wanted Democracy. Unknowingly to the other sections of the country, some Northern Muslims preferred a system of governance of which Islamic Law is a major ingredient. Relentlessly, they pursued this goal until they were able to smuggle Nigeria into OIC in 1986 and brought Islamic Law and Jurisprudence into the 1999 Constitution. Invariable, a country under Common Law became a country under Common Law and Sharia. In the ensuing conflict, one of the two has to give way because both cannot co-exist. That is the crisis going on now.

In recent times, skillful spin-masters have been manipulating public discourse with the intention of distracting attention from the real issues. While Nigerians keep pursuing shadows, they dig in their preferred ideology. Let us recap some of those distractions. A very observant person listed the following:

1.      From grazing route to grazing reserve

2.      From grazing reserve to grazing colony

3.      From grazing colony to ranching

4.      From ranching to importation of grass from Brazil for cattle

5.      From importation of grass to Fulani Radio

6.      From Fulani Radio to N100 billion paid to Miyetti Allah

7.      From N100 billion to RUGA

8.      From RUGA to e-registration

9.      From e-registration to Military ranching

10.  From Military ranching to, … what next?

The attention of Nigerians is constantly kept focused on symptoms while the real disease is eating away the body. And what is the real disease? It is Conflict of ideologies. If you notice, few people are talking about that.

Since the inception of National Christian Elders Forum, the NCEF has been telling Nigerians that the problem of the country is the Conflict of Ideologies. On 17th March, 2016, NCEF addressed a Press Conference with a paper titled “CONFLICT OF IDEOLOGIES AS THE GREATEST OBSTACLES TO PEACE, UNITY, AND DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA.” Other papers have been presented by the NCEF on this issue but it would appear that Christian elites are difficult to persuade with the truth.

While attention is focused on ranching and RUGA, consider what has been done to Nigeria, supposedly Common Law country:

1.      Islamists (Sharia sponsors) have taken over the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, and Security

2.      The Common Law position of Nigeria has given way to Sharia Law with the CJN as Sharia Lawyer,

3.      Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the country is Sharia Lawyer,

4.      Head of Law School is Sharia Lawyer,

5.      The 9th Assembly has Legislators already mooting suggestions of amending the Constitution to provide for life Presidency. (This is Sharia not Democracy.)

6.      The Federal Character Principle, one of the pillars of justice, equity and fairness in the Constitution has been subverted. This is Sharia.

7.      The 2019 Election is classical example of Sharia in action. It was not a Democratic contest.

The Islamists have made great strides in their goal to transmute Nigeria into an Islamic Sultanate since all the major structures of Governance are under their control. They have been greatly helped by the “Islamist collaborators”, the compromising leaders in the Church and the traitors amongst ethnic leaders, mostly politicians and traditional rulers. These treacherous collaborators hunt with the hounds and run with the hare.

In an earlier paper on this subject, it was stated, “Nigerian’s political history is conflict ridden due to untiring efforts to supplant the tested and acceptable liberal democratic ideals with the Sharia, which the British Colonial powers had rejected because of its restrictive, sectional, discriminatory and subjective theocratic bias; and the fact that it could not pass the “REPUGNANCY TEST”. Our national development has been hampered by the institutionalization of conflict through the unilateral infusion of the Sharia into the 1999 Constitution under the Islamic biased military dictatorship, as against the restrictive “Islamic personal law”, which had been adopted and applied by consensus since independence and national development.”

One is mystified by the outcry against RUGA in recent times as if RUGA is the problem. There is no difference between RUGA and Grazing Reserve, the difference is only in nomenclature. If Christians had devoted half the energy expended on combating RUGA on the real solutions, more progress would have been made for the country. Now that RUGA has been replaced with E-Registration which has also been followed by proposal for Military to establish ranches all over the country, what would those fixated on RUGA do now?

There is the need to focus attention on the real issues and avoid distractions. Whoever wants to provide solution to the crisis in Nigeria should address the conflict between DEMOCRACY and SHARIA. Nigeria is a Democratic country under Common Law and it should remain so.

What are the solutions?

1.      Every Nigerian with understanding should begin to agitate for a new Constitution that is based wholly on Liberal Democracy and Parliamentary System of Government. This is the ideology agreed upon by the founding fathers of Nigeria and the only ideology that could accommodate all the divergent groups in the country. Nigeria needs NEW Constitution.

2.      Implementation of Report of 2014 National Conference as precursor to restructuring the country.

3.      Establishment of Truth and Reconciliation Commission as the basis for healing, forgiveness and reconciliation of all the divergent groups in the country.

The Willink’s Commission Report of 1958, states as follows:

“The whole structure of the proceedings leading to independence is based on the belief that Nigeria meant to follow the road of liberal democracy and parliamentary government and to base part of the structure on the opposite assumption is to invite government to do their worst. But if the road is followed (liberal democracy and parliamentary government), votes will count and in the last resort it is votes that will win fair treatment for minorities”

Every energy, advocacy, and intervention should be directed on these solutions. These are the solutions. 

It is time to stop chasing the wild goose.
National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF)


Quite often, humans lie to themselves but even more often, they push their own lie to the point where they forget it's a lie and start believing it's the truth. 

Such is exactly the situation with some Nigerians who voted the current President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015 but are now regaling the world with tales of how the lanky ex-soldier disappointed them after securing their votes. The people peddling this narrative sound so believable to the point that one would be forgiven to think Buhari was such an excellent achiever with a good track record but suddenly changed after being voted in as President in 2015 

Truth is, Buhari didn't change. He has always been who he has always been: "A specialist in failure" (apologies to Jose Mourinho).

There is absolutely nothing the President is doing today in office that he didn't do during his short stint as head of state between 1983-85 or show clear sign of doing in the run up to the 2011 and 2015 general elections. Talk about ethno-religious bigotry, nepotism, lack of respect for due process and democratic processes and procedures, lack of respect for human lives, love for terrorists who are of his religion and region, a culture of turning a blind eye to corruption when the perpetrators are his friends, cluelessness and general lack of capacity to perform etc. But in fairness to him, he has always been quite transparent about who he is. It is the people who supported him that invented so any lies, myths and legends just to sell him. So any adult Nigerian who claim not to know that Buhari would turn out this way is lying to him/herself because there was absolutely nothing about the President either in 1984-85 or before 2011-2015 Poll to suggest to any reasonable fellow that this man was qualified to head even a village umunna (kinsmen) meeting.

Let's look at a few of Buhari's 1984-85 and pre-2011 and 2015 records:

December 31st, 1983, he (Buhari) demonstrated his disdain for democracy and due process when he overthrew the first democratically elected government headed by the late Shehu Shagari and Alex Ekwueme. By that singular act of treason against the Nigerian people, Buhari set the country backward. During that same period, he 'won' a 'World Championship' in ethno-relogious bigotry when he locked the vice President late Ekwueme -an Igbo Christian - in Kirikiri prison while President Shagari, a Fulani Muslim like himself, he kept in a comfortable government apartment in the name of house arrest. TODAY, HAS HE DISAPPOINTED IN THE ETHNO-RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY DEPARTMENT? 

As head of state, Buhari enacted the atrocious "Decree 4" which meant journalists could be jailed for running a story he (Buhari) considered embarrassing to his government EVEN IF THE STORY WAS TRUE. Tunde Thompson and Nduka Irabor were jailed under this decree.

The worst level of hardship, gross human right violations and recession were recorded under him back then. I believe there are people who lived through that period who are still alive today and can testify to this. 


Even with that loaded gun and a suspended constitution (absolute power) plus the gift of young age, Buhari failed woefully. Anyone who can name just one VERIFIABLE ACHIEVEMENT to his name will get an instant cash transfer of 50,000 from me. Just one achievement, not two. 

So those who are accusing him of disappointing them, on what grounds did they base their expectations that made them believe he has now disappointed them? What exactly did Buhari do that made reasonable people think he was capable of transforming a 2015 Nigeria?

Even while he was begging us for vote and at a time the Boko Haram Islamist terrorist group was bombing Nigerians, Buhari publicly defended the terrorist group and described any attack on them as an attack on the North. WHY SHOULD ANYONE NOW FEEL DISAPPOINTED THAT THE SAME BUHARI HAS TODAY EMPOWERED RATHER THAN DEGRADED THE SAME BOKO HARAM WITH OUR SOLDIERS BEING KILLED IN THEIR THOUSAND BY THE TERRORISTS AND BURIED IN MASS GRAVES BY THE ARMY according to Wall Street Journal? 

Was it not the same Buhari who stormed govt house Ibadan October 13th 2010 with Arewa Consultative Forum members to ask the then governor of Oyo state, Lam Adesina of blessed memory "Why Are Your People Killing My People?" His people being the Fulani herdsmen  locked in violent confrontation with indigenous Oyo people whom Buhari referred to as Adesina's people? So why should anyone suddenly start expecting Buhari to see all Nigerians as one as against "my people versus the other people?" Why should anyone feel disappointed that the same Buhari is today providing "his people" (the herdsmen) with state-sponsored impunity to slaughter other Nigerians and disposses them of their ancestral land???? 

The same Buhari, long before becoming President, publicly declared that his Childhood friend and former boss, late Sani Abacha under whom he served, didn't steal a dime of Nigerian money even when he's today receiving billions of these looted monies. SURELY, YOU DON'T NEED A CERTAIN CHARLES OGBU TO TELL YOU THAT A MAN WHO NOT ONLY SERVED A CERTIFIED CROOK LIKE ABACHA BUT PUBLICLY DEFENDED HIM MUST BE HEAVILY CORRUPT HIMSELF AND NOT CAPABLE OF FIGHTING CORRUPTION?? So why the surprise that he is dining and wining with corrupt individuals and even defending and raising the hands of the Gandujes of this world?? 

In 2011, after contesting and losing the election, Buhari instigated his minions into killing thousands of innocent Nigerians including youth corps members. Even when the then government of Jonathan pleaded with him to just issue a public statement condemning the post election violence which would have been understood by his minions as a "cease fire" order, Buhari refused. And that was an election he contested under the platform of a little known now defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) which had only one state governor then (ex-governor Tanko Al-makura of Nasarawa). How is it a disappointment that the same Buhari is busy today picking his teeth and showing us the photo while millions are being killed by terrorists, bandits and kidnappers some of whom are being clearly aided by the Army he commands as evidenced in Taraba incident of 6th August 2019 where soldiers murdered policemen just to help an arrested kidnap kingpin escape and the criminal act publicly defended by the Nigerian Army through its spokesman?? Was it not Buhari who put our name in the Guinness book of record as an international kidnapper when he tried abducting Umaru Dikko from the UK? 

So I ask again, ex-Buharists who continue to accuse Buhari of disappointing them, how exactly did the President disappoint you kwanu?? How?  I'm asking because my memory is getting quite rusty so it's possible I forgot.

It's not like he (Buhari) was such an Orator that one could plead being swept off feet by his powerful speech during the campaign. He didn't even take part in the debate which means you can't claim his response to National issues during the debate made you think he could perform. Even ordinary to improve himself all through the over 3 decades he was out of power, Buhari didn't. So you can't really say you were fooled by his academic qualification. He established no business aside his cows which is more like a tradition as a Fulani man. So you cannot say his business ingenuity made you think he would provide jobs for Nigerians. He wrote no book, delivered no lecture and made absolutely no contribution to the society. All he did was wait for four years, come out to contest, loss the election, instigate his minions to spill blood in post election violence, cry, go home and wait for another four years. 

So again, I ask, what qualities did Buhari exhibit either in 1984-85 or during any of his presidential campaign that could have convinced anyone he was capable of leading a 21st century multi-ethnic and multi-religious and cultural State like ours and how exactly has he deviated from those qualities that justifies those who supported him in 2015 and even in 2019 to suddenly start accusing him of disappointing them??? 

By  Charles Ogbu 

DISCLAIMER: The opinion expressed in this article is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher – Nze Ikay's Blog


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